বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩ জুন, ২০১০

That U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates plans to visit China next

Published on June 3, according to the "Global Times" reported Agence

France-Presse quoted a U.S. 2 anonymous defense official as saying
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that U.S. Defense Secretary Robert? Gates intended to visit China next

week, but the Chinese side to "time is not convenient "refused.

Agence France-Presse reported, Gates 3, to attend the annual Asian

security conference in Singapore, the original plan to visit China

after attending the meeting. An anonymous Pentagon official said, "the

Chinese side told us that for them now is not a convenient time," but

did not explain how.

Pentagon press secretary Geoff? Morrell said, Gates is still hope in
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another appropriate time to visit China, with China set to build

stronger relations between the military leaders of the benefits. He

also said that China also sent representatives to Singapore to attend

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Gates does not like to talk with them,

because the Pentagon that they "level is too low."

AFP Gates rejected speculation that China's current visit to the

United States may be released in January of this year's arms sales

plan. 2
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while Reuters quoted a U.S. official as saying the move was

disturbing, Dell d830 Battery
"condemnation" because the current tensions in the Asia-

Pacific region, U.S. and South Korea agreed that North Korea is "Tian"

ship behind the incident.

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